Friday, January 27, 2012

On a Personal Note: Toilet Training and Counting Cards

Toilet Training was NOT on the agenda for today.  Frosting was the plan for the day.

However, my 22 month daughter, Little L., had different plans.  While I was working away with Curious K, making frosting, carefully counting and measuring 12 cups of powdered sugar, Little L. toddled into the bathroom and took out the potty seat, took off her pjs and diaper, and sat to do her work, too.  WOW!

So, we took a 45 minute break from frosting to create a sticker chart, hang the Elmo potty sign, read a potty book, etc.  When we were all done with that fun, I returned to the frosting, very thankful for these....

I had just added my 8th cup of powdered sugar, when duty called.

My 1st grader, Reader R, invented them.  If you have little helpers in the kitchen, you should have a set.  If you have ever lost count while measuring flour or powdered sugar, you should have a set.  They are wonderful, especially for the mom-baker, who may have an interruption or several, during any mixing session.  Also, they give one more, (clean) hands-on helping activity for your sous-chef, that is also a stealthy learning opportunity at the same time.

So, sorry if that was TMI, but the counting cards have saved my frosting more than once... I thought they might help you too!

One final note:  On my third girl, I do know that 22 mos. is YOUNG to toilet train and expect any success, however diapers are an expensive item in our budget, 4 dozen cookies per month, so I am always willing to encourage a child who is interested in learning.  Also, while I am being over personal and just so you know how really goofy I am, whenever I am toilet training, I have a funny mental flash to this song by Steve Green, based on Proverbs 22:6 -

 "Train up a child in the way he should go; 
   even when he is old he will not depart from it."

I am not completely sure that God was referring to toilet training, but I since I believe that the Bible gives us "all things that pertain to life and godliness" (I Peter 2:3b) and I haven't found any other verses that pertain to toilet training, I figure this applies. ;^) 

I think I see fancy underpants cookies in my future! ;^)

Happy Baking (and Toilet Training)!

P.S. - I do promise to return to sugar cookie posts in the very near future. I am working on two orders right now, and I am about four behind in posting, so you'll see lots of fun cookies soon!  

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