If you have been following me for a while, you might know by now that I am not one to be overcome by emotion... (JUST KIDDING!) or to celebrate a random holiday... (gotcha again!), but today is TOTALLY LEGIT!!! I promise! At least for one sweet little girl and her forever family!
Happy "Gotcha" Day, Ava!!!
Today, I am giddy with excitement for a sweet little girl (and thousands like her) will be celebrating National Adoption Day by being legally adopted by their foster families. While the situations that land children in foster care are atrocious, the loving families that step in to care for these precious children are an amazing blessing.
Whether they are in their care for two days or two years, every child that is placed in a loving home is blessed, but they are far from alone... the foster family is blessed, the extended family is blessed, the covenant family is blessed, the community is blessed.
Congratulations to Ava Jane Vesper and the Vesper Family! The Roses are thrilled for you all!
You know what they say, "If the glass slipper fits, wear it!" |