Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Congratulations... all around!

Congratulations to the Blue Valley West Girls' Golf Team for finishing another good season!  Thank you, Mary, for your order for their banquet celebration!  I hope your banquet tonight was a special time... remember, "In the end, it is not wether you win or lose, but how you celebrate!" 

And congratulations to Keli Kincaid, who won my Cookie Contest on Facebook!  She had the closest guess (without going over... Sorry, Diane) to the correct number of dimples on a Sweet Shoppe golf ball cookie! 

There are approximately 58 dimples on a large golf ball cookie, which means there were 1,566 on the cookies I made for the BVW Golf Team!  (A real golf ball ususally has between 300-450, often 336, just for those of you who were wondering. ;^)

Sweet Keli will be finding a sweet treat in her mailbox sometime soon!  Thanks for playing! 



"THANKS so much for the golf ball cookies!  They turned out great and were a big hit with the girls and their families.  And they were super yummy too!  Thanks for adding that special touch to the golf banquet!  I will definitely spread the word for your awesome cookies whenever I get the chance!"

- Mary

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